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15 May 2024

People, Places and Things – a journey to recovery 

Duncan Macmillan’s play People, Places and Things about addiction and recovery is returning to London’s West End - with Forward's lead campaign taking a starring role.

Duncan Macmillan’s play People, Places and Things about addiction and recovery is returning to London’s West End. 

And we’re delighted to say that once again Taking Action On Addiction has been chosen as a charity partner – a national addiction awareness and support campaign led by The Forward Trust.

People, Places and Things follows Emma, a struggling actor battling drug and alcohol addiction. Emma checks herself into a rehabilitation centre. At first she’s hostile to the programme and completely resistant to its culture of sharing and honesty, but gradually she gives herself over to it. 

The play was first staged at the National Theatre in 2015 then transferred to the West End and New York, and was one of the last decade’s most acclaimed stage performances 

Denise Gough, who won an Olivier award in 2016 for best actress for playing Emma, said she was “beyond excited and so grateful to be returning to the role”. 

She continued: “Duncan Macmillan’s incredible play was a life changing experience for me and many others. It brought me pure joy, night after night, to take to the stage to share Emma’s story and I can’t wait to bring her back to new audiences and to give voice, and space, to people that live with or have experienced any form of addiction.” 

Writer Duncan Macmillan added that the play, which had taken him almost a decade to write, “came partly out of a frustration with how addiction is typically portrayed on stage and screen. Under Jeremy Herrin’s compassionate direction, the company visited treatment centres and worked closely with people in recovery. 

“We all felt a responsibility to make the play, primarily, for those who know what it is to live with addiction, for them to feel represented and seen.” 

Mike Trace, CEO of The Forward Trust, which leads Taking Action on Addiction, said:  

“Taking Action on Addiction is thrilled to continue our long-standing association with People, Places and Things.  

“As our Addiction Awareness Week film shows, Everybody Knows Somebody who has been impacted by addiction.  

“We all know stories of people like Emma, friends, friends of friends, neighbours, old school friends, work colleagues, distant (or not so distant) family members who suffered. Yet, despite this, when addiction touches people in a directly personal way, people find it difficult, almost impossible at times to find ways to talk about their experiences. 

“For the thousands of people who will be seeing People, Places and Things, they will hear the vital message that recovery is possible for everyone.” 

Get help:  

Addiction can happen to anyone at any point in life. It is nothing to be ashamed of and getting help – whether it’s for you or a loved one – can save and transform your life. 

Find out where you can get support  


In 2023, Forward supported over 22,000 people across the country in their recovery and rehabilitation. Your donation, however small, will help us to help others in need. 

Join the campaign:  

The Taking Action on Addiction campaign exists to build awareness, celebrate recovery, improve understanding and reduce the myths that surround addiction, so that more people can ask for and receive help. Sign up to our news alerts and get involved.

People, Places & Things is at the Trafalgar Theatre, London from 3 May to 10 August 10 2024 

For more information and to book tickets

Instagram: @PPTOnStage 
Twitter: @PPTOnStage 
Facebook: @PPTOnStage 


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