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Dazer’s Poem

Good Vibrations Stoke Heath project Koestler “Highly Commended Award”

Had magic but no trick

Made of stone but not brick

Was stupid but wasn’t thick

Had a candle but no wick

I’m not poor but not rich

Had a hole but no ditch

Had a roof but no loft

Wasn’t hard wasn’t soft

Had a cough but not a cold

Wasn’t bought and wasn’t sold

Had a house but no home

Had skin but no bone

Had a pen but did not write

Had teeth but no bite

Held on but was not tight

Had eyes but no sight

Had a poem that did not rhyme

Broke the law but not a crime

Had a window but couldn’t see

Not locked up but not free

Had a mate that was not there

Had a thought but did not care

Had some ice but not cream

Went to sleep but did not dream

Good Vibrations Stoke Heath project Koestler “Highly Commended Award”